Somebody Hacked A Fridge To Send Spam
A Probably-Not-Hacked Fridge Flickr/GreencolanderHave you heard of the Internet of Things? It's, like, the most important Internet since the first Internet.It's a series of connected devices. One day...
View ArticleA Transmission That Reads The Road
Rolls-Royce Wraith Courtesy Rolls-Royce Cars today can see just about anything. They have systems that spot lanes, parked cars, and even animals. But even the best of them can’t do what the new...
View ArticleThe Search For Actually Useful Apps On Google Glass
WayGo For Glass Developers able to get their hands on the $1,500 Google Glass prototypes have been hacking apps for the Android-based smart specs since this past spring – even though the company only...
View ArticleA Self-Winding Watch For The Rest of Us
Sistem51 Sam Kaplan Fact: Self-winding watches can contain up to 600 moving parts. Consequence: That complexity can drive prices to $500 and beyond. Engineers at Swatch reimagined the self-winding...
View Article7 Out Of 10 People Will Live In Cities By 2050
Caverns under construction Courtesy Metropolitan Transportation Authority/Patrick Cashin As people flock to urban centers, engineers will need to figure out how to accommodate them. In 2006, New...
View ArticleHow Animal Planet Endangers Animals
A Raccoon, Not From Animal Planet Richard Bowen/FlickrIf you thought Animal Planet's worst sin was running shabby documentaries claiming to prove mermaids are real, you'd apparently be wrong. After a...
View ArticleDespite Small Glitch, The Comet-Chasing Craft Rosetta Has Awoken After Years...
Rosetta An artist's rendering of the Rosetta probe and its lander Philae at a comet. J. Huart / ESA It was brought to life to chase comets but has been asleep for 31 months, drifting beyond the orbit...
View ArticlePenn State Students Seek Crowdfunding To Land A Hopping Rover On The Moon
Lunar Lion Design Penn State Lunar Lion Team on RocketHub Just before winter break, students at Pennsylvania State University sat in a control room behind a two-foot-thick concrete wall. On the other...
View ArticleNo, People Don't Have To Watch The Sunrise On TV In China
'Sunrise' in Beijing NewsClips247 / YouTube Rise and glow! In addition to the dull lightening of smog that now denotes morning in the polluted city of Beijing, the glow of an electronic rising sun on...
View ArticleFeds Pulled Someone Out Of A Movie For Wearing Google Glass
Glass Google A report first appearing on The Gadgeteer sounded like a hoax: a reader told the site they'd been been approached by the Feds for wearing Google Glass in an Ohio movie theater (and had...
View ArticleMushrooms Are Helping Purify Dirty Waters
Mushroom Darius_saulenas via Wikimedia CommonsLet this idea grow on you: using mushrooms to clean up dirty, polluted urban streams. That's what environmentalists are trying in Oregon. Volunteers for...
View ArticleSpace Dust Carries Molecules Of Water, Study Finds
A Piece of Interplanetary Dust NASA The grains of dust prevalent throughout the cosmos could carry with them molecules of water, according to a new analysis. They carry molecules of carbon, too, New...
View ArticleWhy Did This Top Science Journal Editor Expose A Blogger's Pen Name?
Henry Gee Wikimedia Commons If you're in the scientific field, or even if you're just a regular reader of, say, this site, you're probably familiar with Nature, one of the top scientific journals in...
View ArticleSloth Fur Might Yield New Drugs
Sloths are cute. Take this video of baby sloths being washed: Until today, this video might represent sheer joy. But a new study causes a different reaction: NOOOO! DON'T KILL THE FUR FUNGI!!!New...
View ArticleRobots May Replace One-Fourth Of U.S. Combat Soldiers By 2030, Says General
Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System (MAARS) MAARS is a remote-controlled gunbot. It can be fitteed with machine guns and grenade launchers, as well as less lethal weapons like tear gas. It's...
View ArticleA Marshmallow Launcher To Hit Your Sweet Tooth
What happens when you give four college students $250 and three months to make something for an engineering class? They build an auto-reloading cannon that blasts Jet-Puffed Marshmallows into the air...
View ArticleThe Maker King
Carl Bass Brad Wenner When you first meet him, Carl Bass comes off like any other weekend carpenter. Dressed in a worn T-shirt and jeans, he shakes hands with a wooden grip and has a big, brassy...
View ArticleDNA Test Could Detect Counterfeit Chocolate
Chocolate, nom nom nom Dreamstime Life's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get... including whether or not your favorite confection contains the top-quality cacao beans it...
View ArticleMicrosoft Turns Elevator Into Artificially Intelligent Panopticon
Service Elevator Flickr/Sam HowzitThe worst part of riding an elevator is awkwardly trying to find a direction to stare in that doesn't line up with anyone else's line of vision. The second worst part...
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