Fujifilm X-Pro1 Fujifilm's X10 and X100, with their modern rangefinder-inspired styling, are standouts in the crowded advanced-compact-camera field. Now, the X-Pro1 brings the same sleek look and innovative hybrid digital/optical viewfinder to an interchangeable lens system, which currently includes three fast primes, or non-zoom lenses. In addition, a unique color filter array on the large APS-C sensor promises big image quality in a small, retro-stylish package. Dan Bracaglia
Our friends over at Popular Photography, with whom we've been working and drinking all through CES, just published their own list of the best new gear at this year's show. Assuming you've already read our roundup, you should click on over to Pop Photo--some pretty great photography equipment was announced this year, from new cameras and lenses to innovative accessories.