This Week In The Future, September 3-7, 2012 Baarbarian
Artificial lightning lashes the fastest robot in the world, as it reclines on its robotic carpet. That is this week in the future.
Want to win this irresistible Baarbarian illustration on a T-shirt? It's easy! The rules: Follow us on Twitter (we're @PopSci) and retweet our This Week in the Future tweet. One of those lucky retweeters will be chosen to receive a custom T-shirt with this week's Baarbarian illustration on it, thus making the winner the envy of their friends, coworkers and everyone else with eyes. (Those who would rather not leave things to chance and just pony up some cash for the t-shirt can do that here.) The stories pictured herein:
- Video: Cheetah Robot Sets a New Land Speed Record
- Mars Rover Curiosity Snaps a New 360-Degree Panoramic on its Way to Glenelg
- The Labs That Go Boom: The Lightning Research Lab Builds its Own Bolts
- Smart Carpet Detects Your Gait, Knows if You've Fallen
And don't forget to check out our other favorite stories of the week:
- FYI: How Quantum Teleportation Can Bring Us Secure Communications
- The Labs That Go Boom
- The Curious Science of Bodily Functions
- FYI: Why Is Bill Clinton So Good at Speaking to a Crowd?
- PopSci Q&A: How Do You Drive a Car On Mars?
- Parrot ZiK Review: Pretty Much the Fanciest Headphones You Can Buy
- Video: A Body-Cooling Glove Could Give Athletes a Better Boost Than Steroids