No, angler fish! That's a robot, not whatever you usually eat! But maybe the oil slick on the surface of the angler's home is more dangerous than ingesting some gadgetry.
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- Video: Paratrooping Roomba-Style Drone Concept Could Help Clean Oil Spills
- Pumping Well Water Out of the Ground May Be a Culprit in Rising Sea Levels
- A New Way to Keep Deep-Sea Creatures Alive at the Surface
- Giant European Robofish Sniff Out Ocean Pollutants Autonomously
And don't forget to check out our other favorite stories of the week:
- The Most Amazing Science Images of the Week, May 21-25, 2012
- There Will Be Enough Giant Phones Sold in 2015 to Pave Monaco
- 2011's Top 10 New Species: Spongebob Squarepants 'Shroom, Sneezing Monkey and a Worm From Hell
- Magnetic Jet Injection Device Can Shoot Any Drug Through the Skin, No Needle Required
- Video: Amazing Coating For Bottles' Interiors Lets Ketchup Flow Like Water
- SpaceX Successfully Launches the First Privately Built Spacecraft to the International Space Station
- FYI: Can Humans Hibernate?
- You Built What?!: A Portable X-Ray Machine