Hey New Yorkers, tonight (11/20) at ABC No Rio is the opening reception of Collect, Store, Retrieve, an exploration of the "mechanics, makeup, fallibility, and plasticity of memory." The show is curated by Brian George and Kelly Savage and is funded in part with support from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and the New York State Council on the Arts. Brian had this to say about it:
The basic idea for the show came about when I was thinking about current scientific research into memory—how it is formed, how it changes over time, how unreliable human memory can be, and so forth. More or less the mechanics of memory. My wife and I are members of the visual arts collective at ABC No Rio and so we proposed an exhibition based on this idea. Along with the VA collective, we expanded on the concept and extended invitations to some artists who we thought would do well with the subject. We gave them jumping off points for how to approach the show, such as Memory as experienced by moving from one culture to another; The science of memory; False memories; Shared memories (people, places, events); Nostalgia; Sense memory (smells, tastes) and so on.
The artists delivered and came up with quite diverse concepts including loss, frustration with trying to remember something unsuccessfully, the relationship between memory and things, the fading and mis-remembering of memory over time and much more. Mediums represented in the show include illustration, cut paper, photography, painting, bookbinding and sequential art.
Collect, Store, Retrieve will be up until December 10, and features artwork by Brian George, Kelly Savage, Mónica Félix, Michelle Harvey, Carla Hernandez, and myself. Tonight's reception begins at 7pm. Hope to see you there!
For more of the above, check out my other comic, Sufficiently Remarkable, a story about learning the hard way that you're always coming of age. Updates Mondays and Fridays.
You can also learn more about the intersection of art and science over at Mad Art Lab, where Brian is a regular contributor.