Late last year, gamers started chipping away at a digital cube. The creator of this cube, designer Peter Molyneux, promised a "life-changing" gift to the person who chipped away the last piece. Come May, a normal-seeming dude named Bryan did indeed remove the last piece, and inside was--well, Peter Molyneux, in a way.
The gift was a video, explaining that the winner would be the god of a new online game, called "Godus." He would influence events in the game. He would change the digital world.
That sounds like a potentially engaging concept for a game, although some are approaching with caution, since Molyneux has a lengthy history of under-delivering: games like Black & White and Fable were hyped as medium-altering works, and ended up just being so-so. (There's even a parody Twitter account that's just barely a parody.) Still, at least he's trying something different in an industry that can be creatively stagnant at times.
Anyway! I mention that so you can be primed for this terrific Q-and-A with the always great gaming blog Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Molyneux explains the upcoming game, and its already unintended real-life consequences, like how players are sending gifts to their future game-god to get on his good side before the game is even released.
It is bizarre. Can't wait to see the game when it's released.