When Google released the Chromecast, its USB-flash-drive-sized gadget for streaming internet video to your TV, we wondered why it was so limited. There are developers out there trying to give the Chromecast new abilities--but now, according to one of those developers, Google is intentionally blocking those abilities.
At launch, it could only stream YouTube, Netflix, videos purchased from Google's iTunes-like Play Store, and, provided your computer was fast enough, it could mirror whatever tab you were viewing in the Chrome browser on your computer. But what about all the videos on your computer already?
In the few weeks since Chromecast has been in the wild, developers have begun to hack that feature together. One developer in particular, Koushik "Koush" Dutta, has been instrumental in all kinds of great work in the effort to make Chromecast do more. Dutta is a member of the team that develops Cyanogen, probably the most popular custom ROM for Android phones. (ROMs are basically hacked versions of regular Android that allow you do do things you couldn't do before, like overclock the processor or add new features or reassign what the buttons do.) But lately, he's turned his attention to Chromecast.
His biggest achievement in the Chromecast world is called AirCast, which allows you to play videos through a Chromecast that you couldn't before--from your Dropbox account, for example. But last night, Koush announced on Reddit that he believes Google is shutting out third-party access so that developers can't implement all the things the Chromecast is capable of. Here's his explanation:
Update: Google got back to us with a statement:
It's worth noting that Koush has admitted that he reverse-engineered the SDK, because it had yet to be released, which is not exactly a guaranteed way to get Google to like you. That said, this seems primarily to be a result of Google's tendency to release devices early; if Google had simply waited to release the Chromecast until the SDK was ready (and app development could begin), none of this would have happened. So! We don't really know what Google's reaction to developers will be, once Google releases the tools that developers need.