Kevin Hand
$600,000: the funding the National Institutes of Health has awarded to bioprinting projects since 2007. See how 3-D printed body parts will revolutionize medicine.
20,000: the number of cow cells used to make the first lab-grown beef patty
$15,000: the money this team hopes to raise for a campaign to get rid of mean people via natural selection
1,397: the number of known asteroids that could potentially end the world
$350: the shipping cost for a $1.15 million Andy Warhol painting (you can now buy fine art on Amazon)
$250 million: the money Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos paid to buy the Washington Post
20 tons: the weight of each of the seven mirrors in the new Giant Magellan Telescope, which will display the far reaches of the universe at 10 times the resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope
2015: the year NASA will begin the first twins health study in space
13 feet: the diameter of a crazy underground machine that will hopefully detect dark matter
30 microns: the thickness of a new Mona Lisa replica created by researchers at Georgia Tech (that's just one-third the width of a human hair!)
2 million years: the age of the dirt in your backyard
$20: the price to print an instant copy of your key from a photo
19,500 tons: the size of the new Izumo, Japan's biggest warship since WWII
70,000: the rough number of images the Curiosity rover has sent back to Earth during its first year on Mars