It rains rocks here
ESO/L. Calçada
4,580 degrees Fahrenheit: the surface temperature on exoplanet COROT-7b, one of the 10 worst places to live in the universe, according to NASA scientists
600 miles: the diameter of the largest known asteroid, Ceres (could an asteroid impact knock the moon into Earth?)
70 gigawatts: the power of a concept space laser that would vaporize incoming asteroids
50 percent: the reduction in suicide risk for men who drank two to four cups of coffee daily, in a new study
.001 millimeters: the smallest motion that the Leap Motion controller can track (see how two grade-school friends created the technology that could kill the computer interface as we know it)
11.5 million light-years: the distance to the spiral Sculptor Galaxy, which looks like a trippy watercolor painting in an image from the new Atacama Large Millimeter-submillimeter Array
10 days: the average time it took men to recover after heart surgery during the full moon, compared with 14 days during other parts of the moon cycle
2017: the year the U.S. Army may get a new surveillance blimp that can float at 10,000 feet for 30 days straight
20 hours: the time it takes this button-bashing robot to crack the passcode on an Android phone
3 million miles: about how close you could get to the sun before you died
2.2 billion years: the time creatures have been living on land, according to new fossil evidence (that's waaaay earlier than previously thought)
41 degrees Fahrenheit: the temperature of a special cap that could prevent hair loss if worn during chemotherapy
$35: the price of Google's new Chromecast device, a small streaming TV stick