Aw, this is cute. This robot is so in love with Mona (or is motivated by her red lipstick, whatever) that he draws a heart. Only it's a robot heart. With no heartbeat. Look, just because a robot can sketch a person's face doesn't mean it understands all the intricacies of visual art or the complexities of love.
Want to win this robotically artistic Baarbarian illustration on a T-shirt? It's easy! The rules: Follow us on Twitter (we're @PopSci) and retweet our This Week in the Future tweet. One of those lucky retweeters will be chosen to receive a custom T-shirt with this week's Baarbarian illustration on it, thus making the winner the envy of their friends, coworkers and everyone else with eyes. (Those who would rather not leave things to chance and just pony up some cash for the t-shirt can do that here.) The stories pictured herein:
- No Pulse: How Doctors Reinvented The Human Heart
- Video: Hack a Common Slingshot into a USB Peripheral for 'Angry Birds'
- German Industrial Bot Takes Up the Art of Portraiture
- Does a Splash of Red Make a Woman More Attractive?
And don't forget to check out our other favorite stories of the week:
- The $1,000 Genome, and the New Problem of Having Too Much Information
- PopSci Talks To Neil deGrasse Tyson About Politics, New Frontiers, and Science Evangelism
- The Department of Homeland Security's Favorite PopSci Posts
- The Virus Station: A Field Lab for Finding a Deadly Disease
- Could Climate Change Make Mount Everest Unclimbable?
- Under the Sea: In the Age of Wireless, Can't We Do Better than Intercontinental Fiber Optic Cables?
- Video: The Doctors Who Made the No-Pulse Heart
- Lytro Light-Field Camera Review: Shoot, Then Focus
- Hands-On: Windows 8 Brings Tablet-Style Simplicity To The Desktop
- Will People Alive Today Have the Opportunity to Upload Their Consciousness to a New Robotic Body?
- PopSci Q&A: Kate Findlay Talks About the Confluence of Quilting and the Large Hadron Collider
- The Most Amazing Science Images of the Week, February 27-March 2, 2012