CAS/Xijun Ni
55 million years: the age of the sedimentary rock strata in which scientists discovered this skeleton of a Archicebus achilles, the oldest-known primate fossil
90 days: the record-breaking time in which a Chinese firm plans to build the world's next tallest building, the 2,750-foot, 220-story Sky City
2017: the year NASA will test an intergalactic GPS that can determine your location even in deep space
300 light-years: the distance from Earth to this newly discovered planet, the lightest exoplanet ever caught on camera
2.6 miles: the span of last week's tornado in El Reno, Okla., the widest twister ever recorded
70 percent: the percent by which the presence of nearby islands can worsen a tsunami, according to a new computer simulation
1 million: the average number of skin cells a human loses in a 24-hour period (that's why people lose their tans in the winter)
$30,000: the cost to train a bomb-sniffing dog. Scientists are trying to build a mass-producible, artificial nose that detects explosives as well as a canine's.
200: the number of times more of the isotope Lithium-6 in our universe than Big Bang theory accounted for-until now. Scientists resolved this major inconsistency after a telescope upgrade revealed that earlier measurements of the isotope were faulty.