Ah, a nice bucolic, all-American farm scene. Pigs with augmented-reality glasses browse a plate of fast food with prehistoric housecat-sized horses. A farmer shoots a drone. Dear all other countries: this is what it's really like here.
Want to win this patriotic Baarbarian illustration on a T-shirt? It's easy! The rules: Follow us on Twitter (we're @PopSci) and retweet our This Week in the Future tweet. One of those lucky retweeters will be chosen to receive a custom T-shirt with this week's Baarbarian illustration on it, thus making the winner the envy of their friends, coworkers and everyone else with eyes. (Those who would rather not leave things to chance and just pony up some cash for the t-shirt can do that here.) The stories pictured herein:
- Hot Weather Makes Mammals Smaller, So Will Global Warming Make Us Shrink?
- FYI: Will People Ever Evolve Out of Craving Unhealthy Food?
- The World Through Google's Smartglasses
- How Pigs on Antibiotics Are Making Superbugs Stronger
- After Animal Activists Track Pigeon Hunt With Drone, Pigeon Hunters Shoot Down Drone
And don't forget to check out our other favorite stories of the week:
- FYI: Do Competitive Eaters Have Unusual Stomachs?
- Hubble Discovers the First 'Waterworld,' an Exoplanet Covered in Water
- Japanese Construction Company Plans Space Elevator By 2050
- Bummer: Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos Weren't, and It Was the Cable Guy's Fault
- The Best Science Podcasts for the Enjoyment of Your Ears and Brain
- It's Official: DiscoRobo Wins PopSci's Ultimate Robot Dance-Off
- The Six Places on Earth That Most Resemble Other Planets
- The Most Amazing Science Images of the Week, February 20-24, 2012