5,037: the number of Massachusetts residents who offered their homes to people stranded after the Boston Marathon bombing
5 microns: the width of the pixels used by a tiny new camera from DARPA
1938: the year Albert Hofmann synthesized LSD for the first time
1,200 degrees Fahrenheit : the temperature needed to ignite anhydrous ammonia, the chemical at the site of the factory explosion in West, Texas
93 percent: the portion of a single cell's DNA scientists were able to map using a new genome-sequencing technique
1884: the year a Popular Science writer overdosed on hasish
11,417: the number of sharks killed per hour by humans
1.78 mg: the amount of ricin (the poison mailed to President Obama this week) needed to kill an average adult
70 percent: the portion of kilt-wearers who go without underpants, which may make their sperm stronger
3.5 million: the number of inhabitants per square mile in the vice-ridden former Chinese military fort known as Kowloon Walled City (Manhattan's population density is only 27,000 people per square mile)
3.5 grams: the amount of marijuana in the nitrous-powered Green Dragon liquor
20-30 percent: the percentage of cats that don't react to catnip
44.3 percent: the portion of U.S. clubgoers who have used LSD in the past year, compared with only 14.5 percent of UK partiers
3800 kV: the voltage of a zap from the new anti-rape bra created by engineering students in India
10 inches: the length of the Giant African Land Snails that have invaded Florida (they may have been imported for Santería followers to drink their mucus)