If you've never brewed a beer before, the entire process can come across and alien and incomprehensible, especially when some well-meaning home-brewer starts throwing unfamiliar words around. "Wort." "Lauter tun." "Mashing." "Grain bill." Some of that becomes less obscure if you see the process, and have someone explain it to you. My colleague sent me a nifty video on YouTube of Charles Bamforth, the Pope of Foam at UC Davis's Food Science and Technology department that does just this. For brewers, this is mostly old hat. But for those of you who have never seen a fermentation bucket, let alone brewed an all-grain English porter, this short video should prove to be interesting. I mean, I've been into brewing off and on for the better part of two decades and I still found it charming.
If you would like to learn more about UC Davis's pilot brewery and degree program, we covered it in one of the editions of our Coolest College Labs features. Read about it here.