"The Secret Service is going to be mad at me about this." And with due cause, Mr. President, for we're pretty sure projectile weapons are prohibited in the State Dining Room of the White House. Nonetheless, an exception was made yesterday as President Obama hosted the second White House Science Fair, where he surveyed more than 30 student projects, cracked jokes with youngsters and the press, and--most notably--participated in a demo of 14-year-old Joey Hudy's "Extreme Marshmallow Cannon." Which is exactly what it sounds like.
For his part, Obama got a schooling from the young Hudy on exactly how to put together a pneumatic cannon. And the President contributed a little elbow grease himself, using a bicycle pump to prime the long-range snack delivery system (LSDS). See it all unfold, including the climactic marshmallow blast, below.