We're not exactly sure what particle accelerators sound like on the inside, but it seems plausible enough that they might sound like Cyclotone, a real-time audio/visual performance piece by artist Paul Prudence. It was inspired by cyclotrons (a type of spiral particle accelerator) and other particle accelerators, as well as 4-dimensional space and the original Russian cosmonauts. In other words, Cyclotone was inspired by awesome things.
Cyclotone is like a cyclotron for sound. The geometric shapes take their cues from the aforementioned particle accelerators and experimentation with 4-D space, but they are also deformed and altered by the sounds, which Prudence pulled from a variety of sources to make the whole representation literally hum and pop with energy. It's also really, really awesome-looking. Find 4 spare minutes and some time to meditate on space-time today and watch the intro. We bet we won't have to talk you into finding 4 more minutes to watch the finale.
Cyclotone [intro] from Paul Prudence on Vimeo.
Cyclotone [Spin-up Finale] from Paul Prudence on Vimeo.
[Via Creative Applications]