This Week In The Future, January 14-18, 2013Baarbarian
In the future, Paleo's, with its retro sensibilities, will trounce other fast-food chains.
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- DNA Test Finds Horse Meat In UK Hamburgers
- Whoever Kills The Most Burmese Pythons In Florida Wins A Cash Prize
- A Cheeky Guide To Eating Like A Caveman
- Detroit Auto Show 2013: The Sexiest Corvette We've Seen In Way Too Long
And don't forget to check out our other favorite stories of the week:
- Why Is Boeing's 787 Dreamliner Such A Piece Of Crap?
- 10 '80s Tech Inventions That Never Really Took Off
- FYI: Why Would Someone Create A Fake Internet Girlfriend?
- Skateboard Scraps Put the Party In Party Wall
- GameSci: What Makes A Mobile Game Great?
- The 9 Best Cars From The 2013 Detroit Auto Show
- Startup Wants To 3-D Print Tomorrow's Gun-Safety Tech
- Boeing 787 Batteries Same As Those In Electric Cars? Umm, No
- FYI: Why Is There A Winter Flu Season?
- How To Prevent America's Next Train Crash
- You Built What?!: The World's Fastest Baby Carriage
- Buzzing Fork Annoys You Into Losing Weight
- Mississippi River May Soon Be Unnavigable, Despite Army Geoengineers' Best Efforts
- FYI: Could You Survive A Flight Strapped To The Wing Of A Plane?
- BeerSci: Why You Should Never Drink Beer From A Clear Glass Bottle