Hell-Monkey We love all living creatures here at PopSci, but that doesn't stop us from getting a little creeped out at the, you know, nightmarish appearance of this rare Burmese snub-nosed monkey. It's the first time the species has ever been photographed live; the only other time it's been professionally photographed is after it was killed (and just before it was eaten (warning: graphic image)). Read more at National Geographic. FFI/BANCA/PRCF
This week's image roundup is a particularly good one: the best "blue marble" picture we've ever seen, a video of the aurora resulting from the biggest solar storm in seven years, a foldable car, a stunning green-energy art installation, blah, blah, blah. All great. But what we really want to talk about is that ultra-creepy snub-nosed monkey, or, as we've christened it, the Hell-Monkey of Doom. Feel free to describe in detail exactly how much this picture (and a Google image search for the snub-nosed monkey) gave you the shivers.
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