Beersci!Todd Detweiler
BeerSci's complete guide to the brew kits, books, and oak barrels needed to make tasty beer at home
As a homebrewer, I field many questions from curious beer fans on how to start homebrewing, including what kind of equipment and supplies one needs to buy. Because we're at the height of the gift-giving season, I figured I would channel some of that advice into a holiday gift guide covering what to buy current or aspiring homebrewers. I'd be lying if I said that a couple of these items weren't on my personal wish list. (You hear that, Mom? Oak barrels!) Happy shopping, and don't forget the immortal words of homebrew guru Charlie Papazian when the holiday rush gets overwhelming: Relax. Don't Worry. Have a homebrew.
Tune in almost every week for a new installment of BeerSci, the column that pops the cap off the science of brewing.